Healing a Lifetime Of Autoimmune Symptoms – Mette Dyhrberg

This is a great video about Mette Dyhrberg, founder and CEO of Mymee, a digital therapeutics program rethinking autoimmunity.  Mymee’s Mission, in part, is “to help people identify the root causes for their problems and inspire them to change the specific habits to reverse their symptoms.”  As an authority on autoimmune issues, Mette is a […]

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Healthy Morning Reads

The latest information to help you live your best life possible.  Enjoy! Trust Your Instinct: My Health Status Update Ι Lupus Rebel Here’s another great post from one of our Lupus Journey warriors, Dr. Connie Jeon.  She recently had a life-threatening health scare that was initially attributed to a lupus flare. Because of this misdiagnosis, […]

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The Problem With Diets

Studies have shown that the most effective way to address chronic disease is through positive lifestyle changes, with diet being one of the most important.  Unfortunately, the term diet can be misleading.  It is often interpreted as a program, usually temporary in nature, whose primary goal is weight loss.  This is not what they are […]

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Are You Healing Your Lupus, or Just Managing It?

Today, let’s talk about healing disease vs. managing symptoms.  It’s important to understand the difference and how it affects your battle with an autoimmune disorder. During the decades I struggled with lupus, I saw dozens of doctors who prescribed over 30 different medications.  Yet I was never told to exercise, change my diet or manage […]

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Our Favorite Websites For Healthy Eating

Here are some of our favorite go-to websites when we’re looking for healthy and tasty recipes.  You’ll find plenty of great whole food, vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free options to keep your body glowing! Title image credited to Wooden Earth Ltd. Ambitious Kitchen is a health-focused food blog with beautiful, creative recipes and feel good inspiration.  […]

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Healthy Morning Reads

The latest information to help you live your best life possible.  Enjoy! The Best (and Worst) Foods for Your Gut Ι Greatist Over 70% of the body’s immune system is located in the gut.  More research is showing that gut health has a tremendous impact on our overall health and could be the root cause […]

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Why Not Heal Your Lupus?

I know many people who’ve been diagnosed with some type of autoimmune disease, whether it’s Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Hashimoto’s, Sjogren’s, Fibromyalgia, etc.  They’re suffering and would love nothing more than to be cured of their affliction.  Yet when I talk about addressing their disease with lifestyle and dietary changes, I usually get a blank stare […]

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Healthy Morning Reads

The latest information to help you live your best life possible.  Enjoy! Nutrition and Health Are Closely Related Ι Health.gov Over the past century, essential nutrient deficiencies have dramatically decreased, many infectious diseases have been conquered, and the majority of the U.S. population can now anticipate a long and productive life. However, as infectious disease […]

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Healthy Morning Reads

The latest information to help you live your best life possible.  Enjoy! Movement is Medicine: Healing Effects of Movement Ι Lupus Rebel This is a great blog post from our friends at Lupus Rebel.  Dr. Connie talks about having a mindset of courage and empowerment versus that of a victim.  She then explains how exercise, and […]

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Components of Well-Being

There is much we can do to stay healthy and avoid chronic disease.  Our bodies have an amazing capability to heal when provided the right conditions.  For those who have a predisposition for certain diseases and autoimmune conditions, it is even more important to do everything you can to help your body do its job of maintaining (or restoring) good health.

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Healthy Morning Reads

The latest information to help you live your best life possible.  Enjoy! Unlocking the Healing Power of You Ι  National Geographic (may require an email address) Science is showing that how you feel isn’t just about what you eat, or do, or think.  It’s about what you believe. Arthritis and Joint Pain Ι T. Colin Campbell Center for […]

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We are really excited about starting Lupus Journeys.  It’s something we discussed doing for a long time. My wife struggled with lupus for decades but has now been lupus-free for six years.  How?  By taking ownership of her health and making some serious dietary and lifestyle changes. Modern medicine largely treats chronic illnesses (including lupus) […]

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