Healing a Lifetime Of Autoimmune Symptoms – Mette Dyhrberg

This is a great video about Mette Dyhrberg, founder and CEO of Mymee, a digital therapeutics program rethinking autoimmunity.  Mymee’s Mission, in part, is “to help people identify the root causes for their problems and inspire them to change the specific habits to reverse their symptoms.”  As an authority on autoimmune issues, Mette is a frequent speaker at industry events and conferences such as Stanford Medicine X and Exponential Medicine.

In the video below, Mette explains her personal journey with autoimmune diseases and her ultimate recovery from them.  Mette experienced her first autoimmune symptoms (psoriasis) when she was 14.  Over the next 20+ years, she collected “disease labels and drugs like candy”, ultimately diagnosed with five more autoimmune diseases.

In her mid-thirties, her doctors triumphantly told her the “good news” that she wasn’t going to die “in the immediate future”.  Worse, they were content with that prognosis.  It was at this time she knew she needed to take her health into her own hands.  Mette began a process of tracking her symptoms in a spreadsheet to identify trends and, ultimately, the root cause of her issues.  Armed with this information, she was able to focus on the lifestyle changes necessary to heal her conditions.  The Mymee symptom-tracking app is based on the process she developed.

Sixteen months after taking control of her health, her blood work was normal and she was off all of her medications.  She has now been drug and symptom-free for seven years.

A compelling video.