It’s time for a new approach

Welcome to Lupus Journeys.  If you or a loved-one is suffering from lupus or another autoimmune disease, you’re in the right place!

The purpose of this website is to show those of you on the roller-coaster of flares, medications and ever-worsening symptoms that there is another way.  It’s a path that leads to healing, and a life restored.  If you think real healing is impossible, you will see that many people have done just that.

Lupus is a chronic and progressive autoimmune disorder.  It’s insidious in that it seemingly comes out of nowhere and effects everyone differently.  According to the medical community, there is no known cause and no cure.  An estimated 1.5 million people in the United States and 5 million worldwide have a form of lupus.  More than 16,000 new cases are reported in this country each year.  Women of childbearing ages (15-44 years) are at greatest risk of developing the disease.  Lupus is 2-3 times more common in African American women (vs. Caucasian), and African American and Hispanic women are more likely to have severe forms of lupus.  It is believed that 10-15% of people with lupus will die prematurely due to related complications.

Modern science says there is no cure for lupus and nothing can stop its progress, that it can only be “managed” with powerful and dangerous drugs.  We don’t accept this.  Many chronic illnesses, including heart disease, diabetes and many forms of cancer, are considered “lifestyle” diseases.  This means they are caused by decades of poor lifestyle habits (diet, exercise, stress, etc.) and are largely preventable, even reversible, with the right lifestyle changes.  Could lupus also fall into this category?

My Story
I suffered with lupus (systemic lupus erythematosus) for over 30 years.  I struggled with terrible joint pain, crippling exhaustion, chronic hives, digestive and organ issues, and lots of drugs (and their side effects).  As I progressively got worse, my husband and I knew my current path of ever-increasing and more powerful medications was a dead-end, and would never restore me back to good health.  We started looking for other options.

In 2013, we started a new approach, attacking my lupus with dietary and lifestyle changes.  This included adopting a whole food, plant-based diet.  The results were miraculous.  Along with other lifestyle changes, I was ultimately able to get off all of my medications.  I have now been symptom-free for over six years, and healthier than I have been in decades.  You can read my full story here.

I’m Not The Only One
There are many people with similar stories, which we call their lupus journeys.  We recommend you start there and discover how others have overcome this disease.  Their stories are powerful and inspiring.  They come from all walks of life, each taking their own path to reach the same conclusion.  In each case, they replaced drugs with positive lifestyle changes, with incredible results.  We hope their stories and this website give you confidence that real healing is possible for you too.

Here are a few articles to get you started:

You Can Beat This!
We know what it’s like to live with lupus.  In addition to the physical issues, I dealt with fear, isolation, depression and hopelessness.  We know many of you are still in this dark place.  We created this website to be a source of education, encouragement and, most importantly, HOPE.  Hope is one of the most powerful weapons available to you.  You will see that others have beaten this disease!

We’re not selling anything.  Our only goal is to share helpful, accurate information and provide encouragement so you can experience the same kind of health transformation I did.  We won’t focus on drugs or other “management” practices.  There are many other websites for that.

Our focus is on healing.  We’ll show you how to make positive lifestyle changes that not only promote overall improved health, but have resulted in long-term remission or complete disease reversal in many cases.

Throughout this site you will find helpful articles, book recommendations, blog posts and healthy, healing recipes to give you the tools you need to defeat this terrible disease and live your best life possible.

We’re confident your best years are in front of you!

Dee Dee & Tony