
We are really excited about starting Lupus Journeys.  It’s something we discussed doing for a long time.

My wife struggled with lupus for decades but has now been lupus-free for six years.  How?  By taking ownership of her health and making some serious dietary and lifestyle changes.

Modern medicine largely treats chronic illnesses (including lupus) with a “management” approach, using a multitude of drugs to manage symptoms.  The problem is they do nothing to actually heal or reverse the disease, and usually add more problems with damaging side-effects.  The result is you get worse instead of better.

In the midst of her lupus, we had no hope for real healing.  I mean, this is LUPUS, a progressive disease with no known cure.  We viewed it as a death sentence.  We never even considered the possibility of healing, dismissing it as some kind of fantasy.

After 30+ years of dealing with this, we were just hanging-on, settling for anything that was “better than worst”.  We tried to preserve as much of her quality of life as possible, a battle we were losing.  It wasn’t until we read stories of how others had reversed their lupus (and other diseases), that we started to believe that healing was possible.  Armed with that hope, we began to consider options other than drugs.

A few recommendations to get the most out of this site:

  • Have an open mind. We’re told all of our lives that these diseases are incurable, yet there are many people who have left their disease far in the past.  This site has some of their stories.  Don’t close your mind to possibilities that could change your life.
  • Educate yourself.  Take responsibility for your health by educating yourself.  The human body has an incredible capacity to heal itself when given the right environment.  We will continue to add positive, educational content on a wide range of topics to provide your body with everything it needs to be healthy.  Read as much as you can.  Don’t settle for drugs that can never heal, or flashy trends and diets with no scientific basis.  This is your body we’re talking about.  It deserves better.
  • Believe that healing is possible. Listen, for those of you that have been fighting this for years, the concept of healing and getting off your drugs will probably sound unrealistic, even scary.  Don’t let your past define your future.  Your attitude, beliefs and expectations are the first and among the most important factors in the healing process.  The first step towards real change is always belief.

When someone goes through decades of illness and suffering, the question is always “Why?”.  For us, it became obvious that we could use this experience for good by helping others.  A quick look at one of the many online lupus forums brings back haunting memories of pain and helplessness.  It reminds us of what we went through, and that many of you are still there.  We want you to experience the same healing that my wife and many others have.

We are honored to be a part of your journey and we hope this site will help put you on a new path towards healing!

All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.”  2 Corinthians 1:3-4 NLT