Hailey – Raw Thoughts Healing

Hello! My name is Hailey and I am 24 years old. I graduated from Stockton University in December of 2016 with a degree in Health Science and a Minor in Holistic Health. In 2015, I was diagnosed with Systemic Lupus, Fibromyalgia, Sjogren’s Syndrome, and Raynaud’s Phenomenon. I grew up a very competitive athlete and my diagnosis ended my 17-year soccer career. After becoming frustrated with the multiple prescription medications failing me and making me more sick, I decided to take my health into my own hands and heal as holistically as possible. I truly believe that the earth provides all that we need to heal. Since implementing major lifestyle changes over the last few years, illness is now a thing of the past. I was told it was impossible and that I would have to live with these diagnoses forever… but through my own intensive research, extreme dedication, and a lot of trial and error, I have proven everyone wrong and even left my doctor speechless when he last saw my blood-work. I started a blog where I complained about my health problems, now I have transformed this into a full time coaching business helping others find their own power to truly heal. We must remember that doctors do not know everything and medications act as cover ups that never dig into the root cause. When finding the root cause of all illness, you need to look at the mind, body, and spirit. I went from being showered, dressed, and cared for by my boyfriend and family, to gaining my full independence back. Anything is possible if you truly believe you will heal.  Happy Healing!

Shared with permission:  Hailey Neluna

Reprinted from Raw Thoughts Healing


2 thoughts on “Hailey – Raw Thoughts Healing”

  1. Hailey, I am so glad to read this and to know you are doing so well! What a blessing your intensive work, and what you’ve learned will be to those who cross your path! I remember your determination, work ethic, and leadership as a young girl, and I know you have found your niche! Prayers and blessings sent your way as you continue your important work!!!!!

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