Healthy Morning Reads

The latest information to help you live your best life possible.  Enjoy!

Movement is Medicine: Healing Effects of Movement Ι Lupus Rebel
This is a great blog post from our friends at Lupus Rebel.  Dr. Connie talks about having a mindset of courage and empowerment versus that of a victim.  She then explains how exercise, and yoga specifically, helped her to connect her mind and body and unleash her own healing capabilities.

Exercise May Stem Kidney Damage in Lupus Patients, But Stress May Trigger The Reverse Ι WebMD
Regular exercise may slow kidney damage in people with lupus while stress may prompt the opposite effect, new research suggests… this could mean that stress reduction and a daily regimen of physical therapy should be considered as interventional strategies to be used alongside current medical treatment… “We’ve shown on a molecular level that both exercise and stress can impact inflammation by regulation of the immune system”…

Why People in “Blue Zones” Live Longer Than The Rest Of The World Ι HealthLine
Blue Zones are areas throughout the world whose populations have some of the healthiest and longest-living people.  Not only do they live longer than normal (often past 100), their health and quality of life in their later years is also greater, and usually without chronic disease.  What can we learn from them to get the same benefits?

America’s Health Crisis and the Easterlin Paradox Ι World Happiness Report
The World Happiness Report is an annual publication of the United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network, which ranks 156 countries by their happiness levels.  This is Chapter 7 of the 2018 report, which focuses on the fact that subjective happiness in America in dropping despite an increase in material wealth.  One of the reasons for this paradox is our worsening health.